
C4D图文教程13步制作出漂亮的C4D粒子地球 Master Cinema 4D particles in 13 steps



好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了C4D图文教程13步制作出漂亮的C4D粒子地球 Master Cinema 4D particles in 13 steps的相关教程:C4D图文教程13步制作出漂亮的C4D粒子地球MasterCinema4Dparticlesin13STEPS我们感谢Joey卡马乔本教程。他更多的优秀作品,头rawandrende

C4D图文教程13步制作出漂亮的C4D粒子地球 Master Cinema 4D particles in 13 STEPS



创建粒子和CINEMA 4D的有趣的图片现在比以往更容易集成插件X-粒子,创造抽象的、有机的意象看起来真是一个有趣的挑战。




MAXON Cinema 4D是3D应用的选择,它比其他应用更直观。与MAXON Cinema 4D工作室,MoGraph工具功能强大且易于进入,你可以试验的动态模拟,是非常现实。


4D OctaneRender是我们的渲染引擎的选择。它是世界上第一个和最快的GPU加速的,公正的,正确的物理渲染器。它的发展是惊人的,它的可视化呈现近实时的,它提供了更多的时间创造和更少的时间等待。


然后,我们将向你展示一些混合照明技术,以及如何添加直观的辛烷值材料与地下散射,这强调的图像的有机感觉。最后,我们将使用adobe PS图象处理软件添加效果和缺陷,增强真实感。

Our thanks to Joey Camacho for this tutorial. For more of his excellent work, head to rawandrendered.com.

This tutorial first appeared in issue 80 of 3D Artist.

Creating interesting images with particles and Cinema 4D is now easier than ever with the integrated plugin X-Particles, and creating abstract and organic imagery that looks and feels real can be an interesting challenge.

Creating abstract imagery is just as technical as creating real-world imagery.

There are many things to consider, such as composition, colour, lighting, scale and camera settings. While you can jump in, tweak some settings and hit render, the beauty of creating compelling abstract imagery is in the details.

If you make good decisions from the start, you’ll arrive at a more effective result quickly.

MAXON Cinema 4D is our 3D application of choice as it is more intuitive than other applications. With MAXON Cinema 4D Studio, the Mograph toolset is powerful and easy to pe into, and you can experiment with dynamic simulations that are extremely realistic.

X-Particles 3.0 is the most comprehensive and advanced particle simulation tool for Cinema 4D, and gives control over every aspect of the particle pipeline. While we have not ped into advanced features – like Python, or XPresso Nodes – we have enjoyed the ease of forming interesting simulations.

OctaneRender for Cinema 4D is our render engine of choice. It is the world’s first and fastest GPU-accelerated, unbiased, physically correct renderer. Its development has been astounding, and it visualises renders nearly in real-time, which provides more time creating and less time waiting.

This tutorial will follow a traditional process, where we jump into the software with a rough idea, and see what comes up in a couple of hours.

Then, we’ll show you some mixed lighting techniques and how to add intuitive Octane materials with subsurface scattering, which emphasise the organic feel of the image. In the end, we’ll use Adobe Photoshop to add effects and imperfections to enhance the sense of realism.


Step 01 – Set up the X-Particles system

首先我们要先建立一个基本的X-粒子系统。这有助于我们保持组织和保持其应有的等级秩序在CINEMA 4D的操作顺序。通过这样做,我们确保错误不会发生在模拟计算。与X-粒子系统的设置,你可以想象那里的发射器,发电机,改性剂,和其他对象应该在对象管理器。

First we’ll set up a basic X-Particles system. This helps us to stay organised and keep the order of operations in Cinema 4D in its proper hierarchical order. By doing this we ensure that errors don’t occur in the calculations of simulations. With the X-Particles system set up, you can visualise where emitters, generators, modifiers, and other objects should go in the object manager.


Step 02 – Emit from an object’s surface


Next, we’ll add an xpEmitter and a sphere. In the emitter’s object tab we’ll tell it to use the surface of the sphere as the source to emit particles from. Since you’ll want to emit particles from the first frame only, go to the Emission tab, and select Shot from the Emission mode drop-down menu. Choose how many particles you’d like to be emitted in the Shot Count field. You can start with a lower number, say 5,000, to preview simulations quickly. Lastly, choose the radius of your particles, create some variation in their scale, and reduce the particles’ speed to zero.


Step 03 – Add X-Particles modifiers


In this scene, we’ll add two modifiers, xpTurbulence and xpFollowSurface. The xpTurbulence modifier moves the particles around in an organic manner with different variations. The xpFollowSurface modifier pulls moving particles across whatever object’s surface it is referencing. In this example, we’re going to add the same sphere to the xpFollowSurface object list. This way the objects will emit on the sphere’s surface, get moved around by the turbulence, and will follow the geometry of the sphere.


Step 04 – Shake things up


X-Particles’ turbulence modifier has many options, but its curl noise is very interesting. By adjusting the Blend and Add values, you can create interesting and organic movements. You can play with your simulation and adjust these values, as well as the scale, frequency, octaves and strength values to achieve different results.


Step 05 – Add particle collisions


Up until now, our particles only interact with the surface of the sphere. They are not interacting with each other and are intersecting. One way to prevent this is to add an xpPPCollisions dynamics object and check Self Collisions. The particles will now interact with each other, bouncing and sliding away once they collide. Some will still intersect, but not as much as before. Keep in mind, adding this increases the amount of calculations that X-Particles needs to make, and the simulation will not run as fast. Not to worry though as we can cache our particle simulations.


Step 06 – Cache the simulation

的xpcache对象必须保存,观想,洗涤容易通过重粒子模拟。它还确保你看到在你的视图中,辛烷值的现场观众是什么你会看到在CINEMA 4D的图片浏览器,你的最后的渲染。这样,xpcache对象添加到你的场景,然后点击生成缓存。X-粒子将保存到您的硬盘驱动器和仿真可以擦洗通过选择在您的时间表,你喜欢怎样的颗粒外观框架。

The xpCache object is essential to saving, visualising, and scrubbing easily through heavy particle simulations. It also ensures that what you see in your viewport, or Octane’s Live Viewer is what you will see in Cinema 4D’s Picture Viewer and your final render. With that, add an xpCache object to your scene, and click Build Cache. X-Particles will save the simulation to your hard drive and you can scrub through to select a frame on your timeline where you like how the particles look.


Step 07 – Set up the Octane Camera


Since this is an organic, almost molecular structure, you should give some consideration to the focal length and depth of field of your camera. Macro lenses are famous for their shallow depth of field, and often are 100mm or more. This emphasises the tiny scale we’re trying to emulate. Set up an Octane Camera, and in the Attributes manager change the focal length to 200mm and experiment with other values to see the different effects. One of the most convenient features of OctaneRender is the ability to quickly select your focus distance by clicking on the object or particles you want to focus on. You can do this in the Live Viewer.Deselect Auto Focus in the thinLens tab of the Octane Camera tag, then increase the aperture value to create a more shallow depth of field.


Step 08 – Subsurface scattering materials


We chose to use a material with subsurface scattering because it can add a sense of life to objects. First, create a new Octane Diffuse material, and choose a base colour in the Diffuse tab. Next go to the Transmission tab, and add an Octane RGBSpectrum texture to the Texture channel. Choose the colour you would like to transmit once light goes through the particle. Finally, in the Medium tab, add a Scattering Medium texture to the texture channel. This will give you absorption and scattering textures. Most times, you can leave Absorption at 0 and Scattering at 0.5. The scale slider is what controls how easily light can be absorbed and transmitted through the object – or in this case, the particles. We’ve used 1.75.


Step 09 – Lighting


Next add an Octane Daylight object to the scene. It comes with two tags, an Octane Daylight Tag, and Sun Expression Tag. First, make sure the Sun Expression Tag is enabled by checking it under Basic. Control the placement of the sun by using different longitude and latitude values, and experiment with different looks (sunrise, midday and sunset). Now select the Octane Daylight tag. The options in here are intuitive and flexible. You can increase turbidity, power, north offset and sun size, so experiment again. We’ve changed the sky colour and sun colour to be warmer and brighter.


Step 10 – Creative lighting choices


Adding an Octane targeted Arealight was a decision made because we wanted to have a sense of directional lighting and push more light into a specific area of the particles. To do this, select the sphere, and then add an Octane targeted Arealight. The light will always point at the sphere. You can adjust the temperature of the Octane Light to be warmer or cooler, and the power and distribution of the light to be stronger or weaker. If you deactivate the Daylight, you can visualise how much the area light is contributing.


Step 11 – Make creative adjustments


Now that you have your lighting set up, go back and make some adjustments to your materials, camera and composition. Take time to fine-tune the overall look while reviewing some of your previous decisions. Maybe you’d like to make the turbulence slightly smaller? Maybe your colours are too bright? Is your sun too bright? Where does your eye go to? These are all good questions to ask yourself, when preparing for your final render.


Step 12 – Rendering considerations

OctaneRender有许多渲染内核的选择。我们通常选择1.14直接照明和gidiffuse选项。这不是公正的路径追踪,但它提供了非常逼真的效果快,因为这是一个抽象的渲染,我们可以使用它,而不用担心准确性。你可以增加镜面,光泽和弥漫在辛烷值设置面板的深度的方式来提高光反射在最后的渲染。由于我们使用的材料与地下散射,我们增加了漫反射的深度为8,使光与粒子在一个更令人信服的方式进行交互。再次,你可以尝试不同的设置,看看什么作品。较低的设置加速渲染时间,但降低了质量。点渲染然后让我们在Adobe PS图象处理软件。

OctaneRender has many render kernels to choose from. We usually choose Directlighting and the GIDiffuse option. This isn’t unbiased path tracing, but it provides very realistic results quickly, and because this is an abstract render, we can use it without being worried about exactness. You can increase the Specular, Glossy and Diffuse depths in the Octane Settings panel to improve the way light bounces in the final render. Since we were using a material with subsurface scattering, we increased the Diffuse depth to 8 so that light would interact with the particles in a more convincing manner. Again you can experiment with the different settings to see what works. Lower settings speed up render times, but reduces quality. Hit render and then let’s head over to Adobe Photoshop.


Step 13 – Add imperfections and finish with final tweaks


In Adobe Photoshop, add things like lens distortion, chromatic aberration, and vignetting to emphasise the imperfections found in real-world cameras. Most of these options can be found under the Lens Correction filter dropdown. Colour grading an image is always a subjective matter, and a very creative choice. What you choose to do with you colour will say different things about your image. In general, a less vibrant image seems more real. Also, there is no such thing as pure black in the world, and every black has a touch of colour to it. Finally, adding dust, light leaks or other textures in Photoshop helps to create a sense of space and depth. Dust can be created with a soft-edged brush with high scattering settings, or with hi-res images of scanned dust particles from the internet.

以上就是好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理的C4D图文教程13步制作出漂亮的C4D粒子地球 Master Cinema 4D particles in 13 steps相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^

本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/IT/63db596c557c77c08f0e06b5.html

