




  UK - Pig meat production in the UK continued to outpace beef production in January, according to the latest DEFRA figures. Output increased by 4 per cent compared with the same period last year, to 85,700 tonnes.Higher production levels were due to a combination of factors. Clean pig slaughterings in January 2016 increased 2 per cent on the same period last year, to 978,800 head, and the average carcase weight increased over 1 per cent to 83.8kg. Therefore more, heavier pigs were coming forward to slaughter. During January, average carcase weights were the heaviest on record and there were some reports that these were affecting processing machinery and breaking equipment.The average weight increased 4 per cent, compared with the previous month, and 1 per cent on the same month last year. Sow cullings were also up on the same period last year, by 14 per cent to 25,200 head.This may be an early indication that the downwards price pressure in the pig market is starting to force some producers to begin rationalising their breeding herds, although the figure for January 2015 was lower than normal.

  根据英国食品和农村事务部(DEFRA)最新数据,英国一月的猪肉生产量持续赶超牛肉生产量,产出和去年同期相比增添了4%,达到85700吨。高额的生产水平是由于多种因素综合作用的结果。2016年一月洁净生猪屠宰量比去年同期增添了2%,达到978800头, 均匀胴体重增添超过1%,达到83.8千克。因此,更多更重的猪转向屠宰场。在一月,均匀胴体重是记录中最高的,有些报道称这会影响机器运作并磨损设备。均匀胴体重相比上个月增长4%,比去年同期增添1%。扑杀母猪数量比去年同期增添了14%,达到25200头。尽管2015年一月价格比正常低,产生这个早期现象兴许是因为猪肉市场的下行价格压力,使得一些生产商开始合理化他们的育种群。


本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/63f5e9e1e62c7eb2250a57fb.html

