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  Pork Commentary – June 8, 2015 – World Pork Expo Report

  Yesterday, June 8th 11:34pm

  World Pork Expo Report


  Last week we participated at the World Pork Expo, which is held annually in Des Moines Iowa.

  上周,我们参加了每年在艾奥瓦州得梅因举行的世界猪肉博览会(World Pork Expo,WPX)。

  Our Observations:


  · The World Pork Expo (WPX) was well attended. There were lots of visitors for the exhibitors.

  · 世界猪肉博览会的参会情况很好。观众和参展商人数众多。

  · The WPX was professionally organized by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). The WPX is a major revenue generator for the NPPC.

  · 世界猪肉博览会得到了全国猪肉生产者理事会(National Pork Producers Council,NPPC)的专业组织。世界猪肉博览会是全国猪肉生产者理事会的主要利润来源。

  · Producers were in an upbeat mood. Profits are decent and last year was the most profitable ever.

  · 生产者们都很开心。利润很好,去年是最赚钱的一年。

  · There is sow herd expansion underway. Sow barns are being built and planned for. We expect 200,000 new sow places are in play. No doubt the production base is expanding.

  · 母猪群正在扩张中。母猪场正在建设和规划。我们预计有20万新母猪的规模正在进行之中。毫无疑问,生产基地正在扩张。

  · It appears that Prrs could be a factor. We heard several anecdotal stories of dead sows, abortions, and dead pigs. Partially filled nurseries, and finishers. Sow herd de-pops. Major hit areas – Carolinas – Illinois. How many lost pigs? Anyone’s guess!

  · 猪繁殖和呼吸障碍综合征可能是原因之一。我们听到了很多关于母猪死亡、流产及死猪的案例。保育舍和育成舍没有满舍。母猪场清群。受到影响的主要领域为卡罗来纳州和伊利诺伊州。损失了多少头猪?谁也说不准!

  · Producers were positive about how the corn – soybean crops are growing. So far, so good. Several comments that with things growing like they are, corn could have a 2 in front of its price per bushel this fall.

  · 生产者对于玉米和大豆作物的增长情况表示乐观。迄今为止, 一切顺利。很多评论认为,如果按现在的情况生长,今天秋天每蒲式耳的玉米价格将以2打头。

  · Several producers and industry people discussed what is happening in China. We all know that a bump in pork exports would support prices. We met with several Chinese industry people who confirmed the massive sow herd liquidation that has been happening in China.

  · 很多生产者和业内人士讨论了中国发生的情况。我们都知道突如其来的猪肉出口会支持价格。我们见到了很多中国的行业人士,他们确认了发生在中国的母猪大量淘汰。

  · There were producers from Canada and Mexico at WPX. We do not sense any sow herd expansion in Canada. Mexico on the other hand seems to be looking at expansion. We heard plans for over 50,000 sows. Profits have been good in Mexico and this is leading to confidence in further growth in production.

  · 世界猪肉博览会有来自加拿大和墨西哥的生产者。我们没有感受到加拿大出现任何母猪群扩张。另一方面,好像墨西哥正在寻求扩张。我们听说了超过5万头母猪的计划。墨西哥已经有很好的利润,这给进一步增加产量提供了信心。

  · There seems to be a further push in different ways to approach pork sales – antibiotic free, humane, enhanced, breed selection, and housing type. All are becoming different ways for groups to market. Not sure there is much volume involved at this point but it certainly is giving consumers more pork options.

  · 看上去出现了很多新的猪肉销售方式:无抗肉、人道主义、增强型、特定品种及猪舍类型。所有这些都形成了不同方式的市场群体。这能确定这一方式的影响有多大,但无疑为消费者提供了更多的猪肉选择。

  · There appears to be an evolution in trailers for moving pigs. Different manufacturers are offering trailers with options of movable floors, built in fans and water, back lifts, and multiple axles. There appears to be a new direction with some being powered by animal welfare considerations.

  · 运输活猪的拖车似乎也发生了变革。不同制造商提供为拖车提供各种选配,包括可活动地板、内置风机和饮水,后向升降机及多条车轴。这可能是出于动物福利考虑所带来的新趋势。



  A good positive World Pork Expo. It appears PEDv has mostly disappeared. Prrs has gone to the forefront of diseases again. Expansion is underway. Good thing new plants in Michigan and Iowa are coming on stream hopefully in 2017.



本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/6417f0ffff7e0ba5ab02d2ec.html

