
论述什么是“文化休克” 以及在跨文化交际中如何克服“文化休克”。



好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了论述什么是“文化休克” 以及在跨文化交际中如何克服“文化休克”。的相关教程:文化休克,是当一个人突然处于一种新异的文化生活环境而产生的,一种暂时的社会性隔离,焦虑,抑郁的心理状态。人的焦虑,抑郁情绪体验的变化都有明显的时间性与条件性。另外,这些情绪与人格、自身价值观也有关系,



Doing Culture这本书里面有很多。我在这举几一例,希望对你有用:
John is a sixty-year-old New Zealander and he is working in China. He is so strict with appointment that his Chinese subordinate thinks he doesn’t know which is important with him to talk about an urgent business. One day, an advertising agent had an appointment with him to talk about an urgent business. Unfortunately, he was late for the appointment for thirty minutes, because his driver got lost first and then into a traffic jam on the way to his office. Hardly had the agent entered John’s office, when John said goodbye to the agent and left without talking about the business. Both sides knew that other business would be affected if this one could not be settled that day. The Chinese subordinate and the agent were angry with him, but they could do nothing to change his mind. The boss does wait for no more than one minute for any appointment in his daily work
A private company undertook to prepare a Chinese version of a new American software for computer networks security. As usual the Chinese private company would manage to finish their part of the object before a certain date. To their surprise, the people in foreign company required not only a clearly defined timetable but also a daily report of the progress for their part of the project, moreover the foreign company discouraged the private company to work overtime, for they thought the quality of the product would be affected. Finally, there was some part of the work unfinished before the deadline, and the Chinese company asked for a postponement for just a weekend, but the demand was rejected. This failed business with the American company made the Chinese company at a loss.
An American company demanded a specification for the materials used in a project when doing a business with a Chinese company, which should include the sources of the materials, the creditworthy of the materials and a detailed user’s manual. The Chinese company sent a simple specification, without explaining the lowest temperature the materials can be used. Under such circumstances, an Indian employee of the American company asked for more detailed specifications before 2 p. m. that day. As usual, this company did not take the demand seriously. At 2 p. m. , the Indian came to the Chinese company’s office and asked the Chinese partner to call the factory immediately. The foreigner’s attitude and behavior made the Chinese staff feel extremely uneasy.


本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/664810c895cd9ab16a0d9581.html

