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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了美国猪兽医协会 美国兽医协会网站的相关教程:ANALYSIS-Modernpigproductionhasaninherentneedfortheeuthanasiaofpigletsforvariousreas

  ANALYSIS - Modern pig production has an inherent need for the euthanasia of piglets for various reasons, and research from the University of Bristol shows a humane option to euthanize that includes no pain to the animal.Through interactions with larger operations, Randall Bock, President and CEO of Bock Industries, said the demands of retailers are pushing greater emphasis on animal welfare, so they created humane tools that are university tested for euthanizing stock on-farm. "We're very proud of our affiliation with the University of Bristol in the UK and consider them the number one animal welfare research group in the world," he said. "They have done some lab studies and field trials confirming humane the Zephyr-EXL product for euthanasia of piglets up to twenty pounds."

  现代养猪生产出于各种缘故要为仔猪提供安乐死,已经形成一种内在需要。布里斯托尔(Bristol)大学的研究显示安乐死是一种人道选择,让动物没有疼痛。Bock实业公司的总裁兼首席执行官兰德尔·博克(Randall Bock)凭借在大型屠宰场的经验说,零售商的需求推动了动物福利重点的发展,以至于大学发明出使动物安乐死的人道工具。他说:“我们为英国布里斯托尔大学与我们的友好关系和考虑到他们是世界上首席个动物福利研究小组而感到得意。他们已经做了一些实验研究,现场试验并采用Zephyr-EXL无痛产品对二十磅以上的仔猪实施安乐死。”


本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/666f9f32df9ed45e900133c6.html

