Many relationships, not old or new, but after some experience together, you really feel that the other party is very good, which is worth you, to seriously deal with and dig into the heart of the relationship.
Sometimes, we live very tired, not too mean life, but we are too easy to be infected by the outside atmosphere, by other peoples emotions. In fact, you are living for yourself, not many people can keep you in mind.
Unhappy things need to be cleared regularly so that there is room for happiness. There is no thing that cant be passed, only the mood that cant be passed, so the heart must be more sunny, live not by mood, but by mentality.
Time is like a big sieve, which can withstand filtering and think its a good friend to play with. Maybe its not as good as you think. Only after the test of time, people will see each other for a long time, and finally stay, is the real friend.
Happiness and sorrow are life, bitterness and sweetness are life. Whether its busy or desolate, dont be too nostalgic about the scenery youve seen. After all, you have to move on if you dont move on.
Dont stick to the things that make you miserable, dont think about the past that you cant go back. Since the past is so desperate, people always have to go forward. Some things, the sooner you give up, the better the future will be.
In the journey of life, there is always a time when you need to go and carry it by yourself. Dont feel afraid, dont feel lonely, its just the price of growth.
Time is the most deceptive, but also let you understand that there is nothing in the world that can not be lost! What we leave is the scenery, what we leave is life, and what we get to the end is the right person.
Life is a train to the grave. There will be many stops on the way. Its very difficult for anyone to walk with him all the time. When someone with you wants to get out of the car, even if you dont give up, you should be grateful and wave goodbye.
All the things you have cried about, how many years later, you will laugh and say, and then scold yourself: at first really silly, in fact, there are not so many troubles in life, time will solve everything, love yourself.
本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shishang/654da82dde8339e43605279c.html
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