




桂林松糕]   用糯米掺粳米适量磨成粉, 稍掺些黄糖水拌匀, 再将半干半湿的米粉层层撒人蒸桶中蒸一至二小时熟透即成桂林旅游美食种类。其味松软爽口, 香甜宜人, 若再配以荔浦芋头丁, 其味更佳。桂林习俗, 松糕一般用于喜庆场合, 如生日贺寿、得子、新屋上梁等, 常赠以松糕, 以示庆贺。为桂林的著名风味小吃, 今市场上亦不时有售。 桂林毛尖茶 桂林茶叶科学研究所本世纪70年代初创制的名贵绿茶。采用本所载培的优良茶树品种、清明前后采摘的细嫩芽叶精制而成。条索紧细匀整, 锋苗挺秀, 色泽翠润, 白毫显露, 冲泡后汤色清澈, 叶底绿亮, 清香持久, 滋味醇厚, 回味甘甜。经中国茶叶检测中心检测, 符合名茶品质要求, 而且含硒特别高, 为广西特有富硒茶, 对防癌抗癌有独特功效。除供应国内各地, 还远销德国。1985年、1989年全国名茶展评会上连续 桂林恭城油茶 推荐度 ★★★★★ 油茶不说煮而称“打”,是各地的统一称法,而各地的油茶却各有其不同的风味。油茶的统―制作方法是以老叶红茶为主料,用油炒至微焦而香,放入食盐加水煮沸,多数加生姜同煮,味浓而涩,涩中带辣。恭城一带还再加磨醉的花生粉,使味道多了醇厚少了涩,并因煮的时间恰到好处,使恭城油茶被举为各地油茶之冠,享誉桂北和广西各地。 喝油茶必须配以各种佐食的小吃,都是各种油炸和炒香的食品。苗、瑶、侗等少数民族地区佐食多半是炒黄豆、炒花生米、爆玉米、炸花生米,再则就是糯米饭团或糯米粉糍粑。恭城平乐一带县城佐食则较为考究,酥炸小吃往往在十数种以上,请客人喝油茶往往摆上一桌子的小吃,看起来就像请客吃饭。侗族以油茶敬客是一种礼节,主人双手捧茶敬客,并说些谦恭的话,善歌者还以歌代言,客人必须喝完两碗,才算给主人面子,也是取“好事成双”之意。两碗之后不想再喝,便将碗筷一并交给主人,如果只交碗不交筷,则表示还想继续喝,主人就高高兴兴地再斟满一碗油茶送到客人手里。瑶族则在第一、二碗送来时不送筷子,并将米花、炒豆之类的小吃加入碗里。喝完碗里的茶还留些小吃在碗底,以示有余不尽,直到喝第三碗才送上筷子,所以客人必须喝三碗以上,只喝一两碗,主人会不高兴的。 喝油茶不分季节,一年四季、一天早晚都喝。客人到来则不分早晚,随时煮好奉客,而且更为丰盛 桂林灵川狗肉 推荐度 ★★★★ 灵川的地方风味食品中,最具特色的首推狗肉。灵川的狗肉色泽鲜艳,香气浓郁,口味极佳。俗话说得好:“狗肉滚三滚,神仙站不稳。闻到狗肉香,神仙也跳墙”。灵川人爱吃狗肉,也很会吃狗肉。从选狗、宰狗、烹煮、吃法都有讲究。 先说选狗,以其毛色论优劣,顺序为:一黄二白三花四黑。狗的重量在10公斤左右为宜,此时狗肉质细嫩。 再说宰狗。此地杀狗之法,是以木棒敲击狗鼻使之倒地,然后趁其昏迷时放血刮毛,再用干稻草烧尽细微狗毛,而不需剥皮。烧毛时,必须把握火候,太猛则爆皮,太小则除不尽毛根。燎尽洗净之后,再将狗开膛取五脏。若五脏取得完好,不般不用水冲洗腹腔,以保持风味鲜美。剁狗肉时,要刀刀均匀,块块见皮。 第三说烹煮。狗肉下锅后不放水,干煮干焖,火候文武要适当,力求熟而不烂,香而不焦,将狗肉煮至“五层楼”(肉块经煮而爆裂堆砌)便是最佳程度。煮狗肉除用茶油、盐、酱、酱油外,还配放沙姜、草果、八角、丁香、胡椒、陈皮等十余种香料。香料以纱皮包裹,煮时只取其味而不让香料散入狗肉之中。狗肉上桌前,再喷些“三花酒”,淋少许桂林腐乳汁。经过如此精心炮制,此时锅中的狗肉块块金黄,奇香四溢,令人垂涎欲滴。 狗肉不仅味美,而且营养丰富。常吃可有大补之效,能治多种疾病。李时珍在《本草纲目》称:狗肉能安五脏、轻身、益气、强肾、补胃、暖腰膝、补五劳七伤、填精髓等。 对胃病、肾亏、阳萎等症,因吃狗肉而痊愈者屡见不鲜。 现在灵川狗肉已荣登大雅之堂。在北京的举办的的中国民族文化博览会上,灵川的狗肉又获最佳饮食文化荣誉奖,也吸引了众多的美食家前来品尝。有人品尝后欣然提笔:“地羊(指狗肉)引出酒中仙,特味招来云外客。” 十里飘香――阳朔啤酒鱼 取生猛鲤鱼,开膛破肚,去掉鳃和内脏,不刮鳞,将鱼平剖成均匀的两半,每半边横砍几刀但不砍断,保持鱼的完整,撒上姜丝等作料,投入约有三两茶油的烈锅中猛火煎,直煎得鱼鳞变黄卷起,才淋上酱油,撒上红辣椒,倒入半瓶啤酒,盖上锅盖黄焖。好吃的阳朔啤酒鱼一定要用新鲜漓江活鲤鱼加漓江水煮,鱼塘养的鱼都不行。 桂林田螺 桂林田螺是很地方特色的小吃,每天在夜市摆卖及中高低档次餐厅也均可吃到。吃时,挑开螺的顶盖,撮着嘴用力喝进去,吃完田螺再喝汤,其味道又辣又鲜,特别开胃。田螺身短圆、尾部尖实、螺肉结实,个大,多生活在水田、池塘。螺丝肉性寒味甘,含有丰富的蛋白质以及维生索C、钙质和其他矿物质,能清热、明目、生津。桂林煮田螺很有讲究,买回来的螺蛳,一定要放些盐在清水中养几天,每天都要换水,让螺蛳把肚里的泥巴及排泄物吐掉,再用刷子将附在外壳上的杂物清洗干净,敲掉螺尾,便于吸吮。加入油、盐、姜、沙姜、三花酒、酸笋、酸辣椒、紫苏叶、八角、草果,用武火爆炒,再放入猪骨头汤用小火焖约2小时后再炒,非常入味。如果在吃前,再加入蒜泥、葱花等调味品,吃起来就更有味道。吃田螺,讲究“喝”,要用手指捏紧螺蛔,嘴巴凑近螺口用力吸吮,便会发出“咝咝”的声音。当用力时,会同时将肉与汤吸出,当螺蛳肉吸不出来时就需用小竹签来帮忙挑出。螺蛳汤是煮田螺的精华,用它做出的螺蛳米粉,鲜辣得会令人额上冒汗,脸上放光,过瘾极了。 桂林米粉 桂林不仅山水甲天下,而且米粉也很有名,它圆细、爽滑、柔韧,具有独特的风味。其做工考究, 先将上好大米磨成浆, 装袋滤干, 揣成粉团煮熟后压榨成圆根或片状即成。园的称米粉, 片状的称切粉, 通称米粉, 其特点是洁白、细嫩、软滑、爽口。其吃法多样。最讲究卤水的制作, 其工艺各家有异, 大致以猪、牛骨、罗汉果和各式佐料熬煮而成, 香味浓郁。卤水的用料和做法不同, 米粉的风味也不同。 桂林米粉有许多种,最有名的是马肉米粉。它用特制的红烧马肉作配料,马肉鲜嫩味香,壮阳补肾。过去吃马肉米粉多用特制小碟来盛,米粉仅供一箸,上面有几片薄薄的马肉,再加以几粒油炸花生,拌以桂林辣酱,风味特佳。一人一口一碟,可吃二、三十碟粉。现在已改用大碗,滋味不变。 马肉米粉以城中老店会仙楼的最为驰名,据说它开设于清代道光年间,原来设备不足,店面不大,但生意非常兴隆,店主限定每日的出售量,以致后来的食客,只好等明天清早了。现在则不同了,顾客日夜盈门。 此外,桂林的街头巷尾都有米粉、米粉摊,游人逛了秀丽山水,再吃一碗桂林米粉,饱享眼嘴之福,实在是一大乐事。桂林米粉老店以又益轩粉店、石记米粉、味香馆最为有名。 荔浦扣肉 前些年,随着《宰相刘罗锅》的热播,荔浦芋头也随之火了一把。不过看到电视里乾隆皇帝对于荔浦芋头的吃法,不禁觉得很可笑,甚至觉得有些浪费我们的芋头。其实在我们那儿,芋头的传统吃法是作成扣肉。这到菜的做法还是有些讲究,但是几乎家家都会做,逢年过节,婚丧嫁娶都少不了这道菜,不过到了我们这代一个个都“好吃懒做”,几乎都是大人们做好,自己吃现成的,久而久之怕是要失传,所以特意问了问它的做法,不过没有亲手实践,只能作为纸上谈兵之举。 扣肉者,首先自然要准备一块肉,放入适量的盐,糖,白酒(我们那一直用桂林三花酒)腌制一两天,并在其周围抹上蜂蜜,再炖煮20分钟,待肉快熟之时拿出来后切成长方行块状。同时将芋头也切成和肉块同样的大小,然后放入油锅油榨十几分钟,待到芋头周围成黄色油榨状后捞出。 等到芋头和肉都冷却后,拿出一个大碗,把芋头和肉块互相镶嵌着立着排入碗内,这时碗内就是一块肉一块芋头排成,这些东西只能与碗口平齐。再将这碗扣肉放入高压锅蒸煮一刻钟,拿出来后,用一个比碗口大的盘子倒扣于碗上,最后将碗和盘子迅速翻转过来,将碗拿开,盘中就是一道做好的扣肉了。上桌前,可在盘子周围用些西红柿片做点缀,或是在扣肉上撒些葱末,这样扣肉就做好了。 这道菜看上去精致美观,做得好自然是色香味具全,加上正宗的荔浦芋头,香疏松软。我们一般都是一次同时夹平行的肉和芋头,一口咬下去吃到嘴里有芋头的香味和肉的鲜美,两者融为一体极为可口。 没有荔浦芋头,用土豆代替来试试可能也会不错,也欢迎大家去我家乡旅游,亲自品尝一下正宗的桂林名菜――荔浦扣肉。 尼姑素面 桂林尼姑面的精华在于汤。用黄豆芽、鲜草菇、香菇、冬笋等久熬而成的汤,汤色金黄,味鲜而甜,清香四溢。面条用清水煮熟装碗后,将汤放入,再加上桂林腐竹、黄菜、素火腿、面筋等素菜和佐料即可食用,鲜香爽口、 色香味俱佳,尼姑面以七星公园内月牙楼的最负盛名。 粉 利 用上好的大米细磨成浆, 搓成小圆柱状, 蒸至八成熟, 取出晾干即成粉利。桂林粉利上市一般在冬季春节前后, 吃时切成条状, 配上腊肉、芹菜或菜花、青蒜等烩炒装盘即可食用。特点是色鲜味美、香滑爽口。 桂林水糍粑 制作工艺精细。把上好糯米蒸熟后,用力杵打,直到糯米饭全融,像棉团状,然后再取出糯浆做成圆团,放入蒸笼蒸熟而成。水糍粑多放内馅,如豆蓉、莲蓉、芝麻桂花糖等,质地细腻柔韧、 洁白晶美, 如趁出笼时热气腾腾, 再裹上点白糖或熟豆粉,更是色美味鲜,口感细滑沁甜。为桂林名小吃之一。 豆蓉糯米饭 将上好糯米蒸熟做成饭团,以甜豆蓉为主馅, 再拌以炒香的芝麻、夹些葱花、油、米饭。柔韧、馅心鲜香, 饶有风味。现又有以香肠、煮牛肉等做馅的咸糯米饭亦别有风味,为桂林人早餐常见小吃。 马蹄糕 主料为米粉, 把米粉装入状如马蹄的木模里, 用黄糖粉、马蹄粉或芝麻粉包心,猛火蒸熟,取出即可食用。其制做简便, 吃来香甜扑鼻, 松软可口。一般多为个体摊担现做现卖,散见于各处街头巷口,来往行人, 即购即吃, 极为方便。 汤 圆 桂林汤圆比一般的汤圆个稍小,是用上好糯米磨浆, 压干成粉, 再和成团做皮,以桂林特产桂花糖或麻蓉、椰蓉、豆蓉等做馅制成。煮汤圆可用黄糖或冰糖, 也可配以糯米甜酒或鸡蛋。滑爽、营养丰富,是小吃中的名品。 菜名:扒丝芋头 采用桂林特产的荔蒲芋头,削皮后用蛋青、淀粉裹入后油炸,待炸到色泽鲜黄时浇上糖汁,(糖汁用冰糖、醋、水调制而成)里香外脆、松酥爽口。菜的旁边摆放一小碗清水,作用于切断糖汁丝,也可起到降火作用。 菜名:柚子皮炒肉丝 采用阳朔柚子皮,把里外黄色部分去掉取中间薄薄一层白?Z,晒干后沸水撩过,清水扎干净,加入调料与肉丝炒,可吃出柚子的清香,是道绿色食品菜肴。 菜名:酸炒干鱼仔 干鱼仔指的是烘干后的河鱼,生长在河中。干鱼的制作过程:用烧果皮之烟熏后用炭火烘、用太阳晒干。做此道菜的酸多为桂林口味的酸笋,酸辣椒。把干鱼、酸辣椒、酸笋爆炒后放入桂林三花酒、水盖上锅盖红焖至干鱼发胀后再加入蒜苗等香料,酸辣爽口,非常开胃。 菜名:水泡腐竹 腐竹是桂林特产之一,用黄豆提取而成,金黄色,经油炸香、脆后再放入调料煮,营养丰富。Guilinsong pudding]     doped with glutinous japonica rice suitable flowers into powder, slightly more yellow dessert doped well. then semi-dry layer of noodles, steamed withdraw barrels were steaming from one to two hours cooked evaporates. Its refreshing taste soft, juicy and pleasant, if we coupled with the first Lipu Taro small, taste better. Guilin custom cake-general for happy occasions, such as birthday birthday, a son, new beam, often presented with a loose cake to celebrate said. Guilin to the famous dishes, this time not on the market for sale. Guilin tea Guilin Tea Science Institute in the early 1970s after the founding of the system of luxurious green tea. Contained in the use of the excellent training of tea varieties and cleanliness before and after plucking of tender with finely-Bud-Leaf. Of the tightly Leveling, Miao Feng tall and graceful, Cuirun color, eye revealed, after brewing liquor color clear, bright green leaf, delicate fragrance lasting, mellow taste. sweet aftertaste. By the China Tea Testing Center detection, with the quality of tea, but particularly high Se, Se Guangxi unique tea the anti-cancer effect is unique. Apart from the domestic supply throughout Germany also sold far away. 1985. 1989 National Contest tea row Camellia Guilin, Guangxi has recommended degrees ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Camellia not cook but have to fight. is unified around the said Act, and around the Camellia has its own different flavor. Camellia the EC-production method is based on the old leaves from tea-based materials and oil and stir-Coke Hong Add salt boiling water, Most dish plus ginger, Appreciation and tart, acerbic and sometimes spicy. Gongcheng also along with the mill drunk peanut powder, more mellow taste less acerbic, and the cooking time by the right - make Gongcheng, were cited as Camellia Camellia around, the company known around the north and Guangxi. Camellia drink should be supported by all the snack food and file, are all fried food and fragrant. Miao, Yao, Dong ethnic minority areas file most of the fresh speculation soybeans speculation shelled peanut, corn burglary, bombing shelled peanut. Next is the glutinous rice ball or glutinous rice flour cake. Gongcheng-county area music file is more elegant food, snacks often Suzha 10 in a few more, Camellia invited guests drank often put on the table a snack, it looks like a banquet dinner. Dong King to Camellia is a customer courtesy, the owner Fengcha King off his hands and said some humility, good song to song of hers also. Guests will be drinking extra bowl in order to the owner of face, as well as taking a section of a good thing was intended. After an extra bowl of meaning : not, it will just go back to the owners together, if only pay bowls do not pay for them, then they would like to drink. on the masters again ended happily bowl Camellia hands to the guests. Yao in the first, sent two bowl when no giving away chopsticks and rice flower, Hutongs snacks like to bowl. Drinking the tea bowl to stay in some snacks served to show more than anything, until the third bowl to drink before you chopsticks, So guests must drink three bowls over a couple extra bowl, the owner will be displeased. Camellia drink regardless of season throughout the year, one day sooner or later drank. Guests come sooner or later, whatever, at any time from the top off, Guilin and more abundant in Lingchuan vinegar recommend degrees ★ ★ ★ ★ Lingchuan the flavor of food, The most unique is one dog. Lingchuan the brightly-colored dog, aroma, taste good. The saying goes : Roller three dog roller, even the fairy instability. Hong smell vinegar, the fairy also repeated. Lingchuan people eat dog meat, he would eat dog meat. From the election dog, the dog slaughter, cooking, dishes have stress. First that the election of a dog, with 100,000 campaigns, in chronological order : a yellow flower two three four white black. Dogs weighing 10 kilograms more difficult, at this time the dog tenderness. Furthermore slaughtered dogs. Exterminate the laws here is the stick percussion dog nose so that it fell on the ground and then take advantage of its coma bled dehaired. reuse minor burn rice straw used to, and not peeling. Singeing, we must grasp the heat, too fast skin will burst, not too small in addition to hair root. Liao made after the wash and then disembowelled dog from five organs. But it made good if, like not wash with water abdomen, in order to maintain flavor tasty. Chopped vinegar, to the knife uniform, horizontal see Paper. Said third cooking. After the dog is not supposed to deep, dry stem rapid boil, heat springs to appropriate, but not cooked Black sought to Hong without coke, vinegar to boil The five-story (meat meals and burst fiddles) is the best level. Boiled vinegar in addition to tea oil, salt, soy sauce, soy sauce, but also allocated up sand ginger grass fruit, anise, cloves, pepper, Chenpi dozen species such as spices. Paper spices wrapped in yarn, only the lesser cooked flavor without allowing spices into vinegar among casual. Vinegar on the table, then sprayed some Sanhua, splashing a little Guilin rot milk. After so meticulously crafted and then this mixture of vinegar horizontal gold, Kellett exquisite fragrance, it owes. Vinegar is not only delicious, but nutritious. Can often eat nourishing effect, and can cure many diseases. Li Shizhen of the Compendium of Materia Medica said : dog meat, but it can look, Qingshenjianfei, Yiqi, Qiangshen, fill the stomach, these medicines are worth warm, fill five of the seven injured such as filling essence. Of stomach trouble, or impotence appetite, eating dog meat and recovery were not uncommon. Now Lingchuan dog has been crowned as frivolous. In Beijing organized by the Chinese Cultural Fair, and whether Lingchuan the best dog food culture honorary awards, it also attracts a large number of gourmet to taste. After tasting was pleased Abby : to the sheep (referring to vinegar) leads Wine Magazine, special flavor beckoning cloud off. In light breeze -- Yangshuo Pijiuyu for live carp, disembowelling her and remove the gills and viscera not scratching scales, the fish-Split uniform two halves, each half Guangkan testimony but not cut off, maintaining the integrity of the fish. Sprinkle In these and other condiments, tea oil input about the strong March 2 Meng Remove the clams, fried in the fish straight up the discolored, Spoon sauce before, Sprinkle with red pepper, add half of beer, covered with a little yellow pot cover. The delicious Pijiuyu Yangshuo, Lijiang must use fresh wood Lijiang boiled carp increase, raising the fish ponds are not OK. Guilin escargot snail Guilin is a very special local foods at the night market hawking daily high and low grades and restaurants can eat. Eat, the challenges come Lo roof summarized Zhaozui forced into drinking, eating escargot again to drink a lot of soup, the flavor of fresh pepper, especially aperitif. Escargot own short, round tail is sharp, solid Marine Clam Meat, a large, living in rice paddies and ponds. Screwdriver cold sweet meat, rich in protein and life REQUEST C, calcium and other minerals, can Qingre, improves eyesight, Sheng Jin. Guilin cook escargot very closely, bought back the snail, we have to take in salt water custody a few days, once every day. Let snail Stomach put the mud and excrement picture, and then brush to be attached to the shell of debris clean, knock down Lo Mei, facilitate suck. By adding oil, salt, ginger, sand ginger, Sanhua, Sour Bamboo Shoots, acid hot peppers, perilla leaf, star anise, and the grass fruit, the use provocative speculation, Add another pig bone soup a little over a low heat about two hours after frying, very tasty. If eating before, then mashed garlic, chopped scallion and other condiments, eating up more on taste. Eating escargot and stressed that drink, with fingers tight spiral roundworm and the mouth drew them to my mouth Lo forced suck, will be given a high-tech high-tech sound. When forced, it will be meat and soup aspirated, when snail meat suction is not required when they come out on a small bamboo stick to help select. Snail escargot soup is cooking, the essence and used it to make the snail rice, a delicious amount will cause sweating, his face Evidently, the very unfulfilling. Guilin rice Guilin enjoys not only landscapes, but also the famous rice noodles, fine round, Smoothness, flexibility and unique flavor. Their work known, the quintessential first rice flowers into pulp, bagging filtering, carries into powder Mission cooked squeeze into a round - or flake evaporates. Park said rice noodles, Flake said the cut powder, commonly known as rice, which was characterized by white, tenderness, Pionidae refreshing. Its diverse dishes. Most stress brine production, its technology is different from the individual, generally in pigs, beef bones, Mangosteen and assorted seasonings from boiled, rich flavor. Brine the materials and practices, the flavor of rice noodles are different. Guilin has many kinds of rice flour, is the most famous horse meat noodles. Using the customized ones for the horse meat ingredients Horsemeat fresh sights, famous Bushen. Horsemeat past eating rice with a magnitude of more than a different way to Sheng, rice is for a chopsticks, there are few tablets to thin horse meat, In addition to make it more fried peanuts, mixed with Guilin chilli flavor particularly good. A person a one dish to eat two, 30 dish meal. Are used instead of a bowl, taste the same. Horsemeat rice flour to the city would cents House took the most famous, it is said that the creation of the conveyance in the Qing Dynasty, the original facilities. little storefronts, but business has been booming, owner of the daily limit sale, which later diners, but the other tomorrow morning. Now it is different, customers day and night at his door. In addition, the streets have Guilin rice flour, rice stands, visitors visited the beautiful scenery of Guilin little bowl of rice noodles, listening blessing eyes and mouth, it is a great pleasure. Guilin rice noodle also took to the interests Menuhin powder shop, Stones in the rice, the most famous sights Museum. Lipu Braised Meat few years ago, as the Prime Minister Liu Luoguo Feverish Popularity and Lipu Taro the head of an ensuing fire. But to see on television the emperor for the first Lipu Taro eat, I can not help but find it laughable. Some even feel that waste our taro. In fact we went, the traditional varieties of taro is make Braised Meat. This approach to cooking is some stress, but almost everyone will do, spending the Spring Festival, weddings and funerals ceremonies are not the platter. But to this generation-have a Taiwan lazy, almost all adults do, they eat ready-made, Over time fear is lost, specifically asked the question of whether the practice, but I did not personally practice, can only act as empty talk. Braised Meat, first to prepare for a natural meat, the proper Add salt, sugar, Liquor (We


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